Stories of Rapid Transformation...
"This is one of the most profound and life changing classes I have ever taken. Dharma explains step by step, tools and guided meditations to use on a daily basis to transform your life, how you think about your life and how you feel about your life. They are transforming and will help you to love yourself and your life more, so you can honestly stand in your truth and full potential.
I use these practices on a daily basis and recommend this program to anyone who is feeling stuck and wants to be the best, most grounded and loving person they can be, living their dream.”
-Jen Florio, Reiki Master
“I left the session feeling not just restored, but more myself. I felt elated, passionate and more confident. I had a broader vision of myself, my life and my calling.
I felt distilled down to my true essence and free to take my place as a self-actualized human. This work would particularly benefit anyone who is committed to living an authentic life through their work.”
-Sherri Glebus, Spiritual Life Coach & Intuitive Counselor